Традиційні підходи до організації фізкультурно-оздоровчої роботи в закладах освіти різних країн світу
https://doi.org/10.32652/tmfvs.2013.2.81-86Ключові слова:
физкультурно-оздоровительная работа, нормативно-правовые документы в области физической культуры и спорта, традиционные подходыАнотація
Рассмотрены и определены пути повышения эффективности организации физкультурнооздоровительной работы отечественных учебных заведений на основании анализа нормативно-правовых документов разных стран мира, изучено их содержание. Выяснены особенности организации физкультурно-оздоровительной работы в учебных заведениях Украины, Российской Федерации, Республики Беларусь, Республики Казахстан, Польши.
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Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Physical Culture and Sport” from 02.12.1999 N 490-I [Electronic resource] // Access Mode : http://kazakhstan.news-city.info/docs/sistemsh/dok_oeyfvo.htm.
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Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 15 November 2006 N 1594 “On approval of the State program of development of physical culture and sports in 2007–2011" [Electronic resource] // Access mode: http://zakon1. rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1594-2006-п.
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on August 31, 2011 N 828-p “On Approval of the Concept of targeted social programs of development of physical culture and sports for 2012–2016." [Electronic resource] // Access mode: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/828-2011-р.
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Theory and methods of physical education: study guide for students of Phys. Education and Sports universities: in 2 Vol. — Vol. 1. The general principles of the theory and methodology of physical education / red.: T. Krutsevych. — Kiev: Olympic literature, 2008. — P. 42–45.
Ukraine. Laws. Law of Ukraine “On Physical Culture and Sports”: as of January 20. 2010 / Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. — Kiev: Parliament publ. house, 2010. — 25 p.
Federal Law “On Physical Culture and disputes in the Russian Federation” of 4 December 2007, No 329-FZ [Electronic resource] // Access Mode: http://minstm.gov.ru/documents/89.shtml/xPages/item.11.html.
Federal Target Program “Development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for the years 2006–2015” on January 11, 2006 No 7 [Electronic resource] // Access mode: http://sport.minstm.gov. ru/15/808.shtml.
Ministry of sports: development strategy in Poland 2015, Warsaw, January 2007 [Electronic resource] // Access Mode : http://d1dmfej9n5lgmh.cloudfront.net/msport/fi les/Loga%20i%20pliki/strategia_rozwoju_sportu_ do_roku_2015.pdf?1334718697.
Law of Poland “On physical culture” of 18 January 1996[Electronic resource] // Access mode: http://www.wopr.bip.mswia.gov.pl/dokumenty/zalaczniki/5/5-27.pdf.
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