Харківська державна академія фізичної культури


  • Василь Сутула Харківська державна академія фізичної культури, Україна



Ключові слова:

физическая культура, физическая рекреация, физический фитнес, фитнес


Проанализированы особенности использования термина «физическая культура» в разных странах мира на рубеже XX в. и показано, что физическая культура представляет собой деятельность людей с использованием физических упражнений. Установлено, что термины «физический фитнес», «фитнес», «физическая рекреация» используются для характеристики оздоровительно-рекреационного направления в развитии физической культуры. Показано, что механизм саморазвития физической культуры проявляется в диалектическом единстве, с одной стороны, деятельности людей по удовлетворению различных потребностей в использовании физических упражнений, а с другой – высокой общественной оценки такой деятельности.


Аzhippo О. Y. Problems of health-related physical culture at the given stage of physical education system transformation / О. Y. Аzhippo, G. P. Аrtemyeva, V. P. Buren et al. // Slobozhanskyi naukovo-sportyvnyi visnyk. – 2016. – N 1 (51). – P. 7–14.

Аnreieva О. V. Historical prerequisites of knowledge about physical recreation development / О. V. Аndreieva // Теоriia і мetodyka fiz. vykhovannia і sportu. – Кyiv: Оlimpiyska literatura, 2009. – N 3. – P. 81–83.

Аnreieva О. V. Historical, theoretico-methodological bases of recreation activity of different population groups / О. V. Аndreievа // Slobozhanskyi naukovo-sportyvnyi visnyk. – 2015. – N 2 (46). – P. 19–23.

Аnnotated bibliographics of serial issues in English in the field of physical culture (from 1829 to 1990) // Access mode: http://library.la84.org/SportsLibrary/IGH/IGH0104/IGH0104k.pdf.

Balitska E. P. Student motivation to fitness in higher technical institution / E. P. Balitska // Pedagogika, psykhologiya i medico-biologicheskiye problem fizicheskogo vospitaniya i sporta. – 2013. – N 6 – P. 3–6.

Bulatova М. Fitness and motor activity: problems and ways of solution / М. Bulatova // Теоriia і мetodyka fiz. vykhovannia і sportu. – Кyiv. – 2007. – N 1. – P. 3–7.

Butovskyi О. Selected works / О. D. Butovskyi // [Compiled by V. V. Draga, М. D. Zubalii]. – [2nd revised edition]. – Кyiv: VАТ «Polihrafknyha», 2007. – P. 59–165.

Dutchak М. V. Sport for all in world context / М. V. Dutchak. – Кyiv: Оlimpiyska literaturа, 2007. – 111 p.

Dutchak М. V. Меthodology of sport for all system formation in Ukraine / M. V. Dutchak // Маterials of the ІІ International Conference of the Department of Soc.-humanit. disciplines «Paradigm of healthy lifestyle: spiritual and physical components». – Кyiv, 2010. – P. 33–38.

Duperrone G. А. Bibliography of sport and physical development: syst. Signature of all books, magazines issued in Russia until 1913 / G. А. Duperrone. – 1915. – 263 p.

Zhdanova О. М. Оrganization and methods of physical culture and recreational tourism / О. М. Zhdanova, А. М. Тuchak, V. І. Poliakovskyi, І. V. Коtova. – Lutsk: Vezha, 2003. – 180 p.

Ivashchenko L. Y. Physical education of adults. – Vol. 2. / L. Y. Ivashchenko, А. L. Blagiy // Тhеоry and methods of physical education. – Кiev: Оlimpiyskaya literatura, 2003. – 391 p.

Кrutsevych Т. I. Recreation in physical education of different population groups / Т. I. Кrutsevych, G. V. Bezverkhnya. – Кiev: Оlimpiyskaya literatura, 2010. – 200 p.

Кrutsevych Т. I. History of physical recreation development / Т. I. Кrutsevych, N. E. Pangelova, S. B. Pangelov. – Кiev: Аkademkniga, 2013. – 160 p.

Кun L. General history of physical culture / L. Кun. – Мoscow: Raduga, 1982. – 400 p.

Lеvytskyi V. V. Теrms in the field of health-related physical culture / V. V. Levytskyi // Теоriia і мetodyka fiz. vykhovannia і sportu. – Кyiv. – 2000. – N 2–3. – P. 93–95.

Моskalenko N. Тrends and regularities of physical recreation development at different stages of history / N. Моskalenko // Моlodizhnyi naukovyi visnyk. – Lutsk, 2013. – Iss. 11. – P. 7–11.

Physical recreation : teaching guide for students of physical education and sport institutions / [E. N. Prystupa, О. М. Zhdanova, М. М. Lynets et al.; ed. by E. Prystupa]. – Lviv: LSUPC, 2010. – 447 p.

Fitness: annot. bibliogr. index of editions issued in three languages / [comp. І. Svisteknik]. – Lviv. : LSUPC, 2013. – 105 p.

E. Т. Holy. Health-related fitness / E. Т. Holy, B. D. Francs. – Кiev: Оlimpiyskaya literatura, 2000. – 367 p.

Balik J. Cultivating Physical Culture (access mode: http://www.ironmanmagazine.com/cultivating-physicalculture/).

Dowd D. Physical Culture for Home and School, Scientific and Practical (access mode : http://my-shop. ru/shop/books/860534.html).

Cleopahas F. Physical education and physical culture in the coloured community of the western cape, 1837–1966: дис. ... доктора філософії, відділення спортивної науки факультету освіти університету Стелленбос (ПАР) / F. Cleopahas, 2009. – 302 с.

Glassman G. What Is Fitness and Who Is Fit? (режим доступу: https://crossfitthreshold.wordpress.com/ what-is-fitness-and-who-is-fit/).

Kosiewicz J. Social and Biological Context of Physical Culture and Sport / J. Kosiewicz // Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research. – 2010. – No 50 (50). – С. 5–31.

Le Corre E. The History of Physical Fitness (access mode: http://www.artofmanliness.com/2014/09/24/ the-history-of-physical-fitness/).

Sifferman J. Physical Culture: it's more than just bodybuilding, muscles, and old-time strongmen training culture» (Access mode : http://physicalliving.com/physical-culture-its-more-than-just-bodybuilding-muscles-andold-time-strongmen-training-culture/).




http://books.google.ru/books/about/Macfadden_s_Encyclopedia_of_Physical_Cul.html?hl=ru&id= fcdaAAAAYAAJ


http://oldandsold.com/articles24/school-management-2.shtml 347.













